Strategic scenarios of healthcare in 2020 was the first result of cooperation within Central & East European Health Policy Network (CEE HPN), co-founded by HPI. CEE HPN associates health policy experts and think tanks from Central and Eastern Europe. Together they search for answers and solutions to current and future challenges to the sustainability and development of health systems.
Strategic scenarios of workshops CEE HPN are based on forecasts of the main drivers of health. 4 basic scenarios lead to four alternative futures defined by two independent dominant uncertainties:
Who are the power holders – consumers or doctors? According to the answer to this question we can have two absolutely different worlds: consumers’ world and doctors‘ world.
The degree of liberalization and/or regulation of the healthcare. At the opposite ends of this dimension we have a very liberal environment and a very regulated environment.
These four scenarios are artistically illustrated in the following four short videos. The full text of the scenarios can be downloaded free in English or Czech.
How will the healthcare look like in 2020? Strategic scenarios by CEE HPN are based on the prognosis of the main driving forces in healthcare. Watch an artistic view on one of the possible futures – scenario CONSUMERS RULE:
How will the healthcare look like in 2020? Strategic scenarios by CEE HPN are based on the prognosis of the main driving forces in healthcare. Watch an artistic view on one of the possible futures – scenario GOVERNMENT SERVES:
How will the healthcare look like in 2020? Strategic scenarios by CEE HPN are based on the prognosis of the main driving forces in healthcare. Watch an artistic view on one of the possible futures – scenario DOCTORS DICTATE:
How will the healthcare look like in 2020? Strategic scenarios by CEE HPN are based on the prognosis of the main driving forces in healthcare. Artistic view on one of the possible futures – scenario INDUSTRY DRIVES: