Thanks to statements from accounts of insured the health insurance companies are able to uncover claiming of fictive performances or prescriptions. General health insurance company (VšZP) has noted also a case, when the insured found in his personal account that he was hospitalized even though he was at that time abroad. According to the words of the spokesperson of VšZP Dana Gašparíková, the statement from the account was last year requested from approximately 25,000 insured of VšZP. The insured of Dôvera, according to their PR specialist Monika Šimúnová take advantage mainly of the electronic subsidiary in which they see besides other things their own statement from account. The access to it has 315,000 insured. Health insurance company Union received last year 335 written requests about the statement from account of insured. More than 15,000 other people have the option to access it by means of electronic services of insurance company.