Welcome to second lecture from 8 lectures course running under the title „Innovation for better healthcare" at University for modern Slovakia. In this lecture, Peter Pažitný speaks about the reward-based healthcare.
Welcome to first lecture from 8 lectures course running under the title „Innovation for better healthcare" at University for modern Slovakia. In this lecture, Peter Pažitný speaks about the issue of chronic diseases.
Analysis of Structural funds dedicated to healthcare in Slovakia was written for European Commission's DG Sanco.
Some key findings of the analysis:
Although the new government has in its program manifesto agreed with the health care reform of Rudolf Zajac (Minister of Health in 2002 – 2006), but it was not able to overstep the fear from private ownership in health care.
We didn’t warn against financial problems of VŠZP only in our newsletter, but also in other media. For my statement in an interview for Plus 7 dní weekly, that VŠZP is “the most probable candidate for bankruptcy” and the merger of VŠZP and SZP I commented that “from a lame and crippled there will be no runner”, I was sued for unauthorized intervention into good reputation. But as the lawyers say, in order to be the good reputation damaged, first it has to be good.
Ministry of finance published Slovak Program of stability for years 2011 – 2014 [in Slovak], in which it presents program of consolidation of public finance. Main goals of the Program of stability are:
Lower the deficit of public administration under the boundary of 3% of GDP in 2013 (Table 1) and stabilize and start to decrease the public debt (Table 2).
Fulfill the planned deficit in the amount of 4.9% of GDP in 2011 by realisation of consolidating measures.
Lower the deficit of public finance to the level of 3.8% of GDP in 2012.