The “price fight” between insurance companies

Wednesday, 05. June 2013, 22:02

Association of Hospital in Slovakia (AHS) has recommended to hospitals which associate to not sign the contracts with health insurance company Union. Association attitude will change only if the smallest private health insurance company Union raises payments to hospitals for five to ten per cent. This condition is based on the attitude of the state General Health Insurance Company (Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa – VšZP), which stated that if the amount of the payments by competitor will not be the same, the company will withdraw contracts with hospitals. Lower payments to hospitals currently give only health insurance company Union. General Health Insurance Company (GHIC) submits a proposal for new terms and conditions to AHS. In it is included the condition that if hospital will have a contract with an insurance company competitive with lower prices for finished hospitalization than is paid by General Health Insurance Company, GHIC will pays only the price of competition.