> 9.2 HiT methodology and production process Anti-Monopoly Office of the Slovak Republic (2009). Anti-Monopoly Office punishes the Association of University Hospitals (press release, 8 January). Bratislava, Anti-Monopoly Office of the Slovak Republic (http://www.antimon.gov.sk/12/3267/protimonopolny-urad-srulozil- asociacii-fakultnych-nemocnic-slovenskej-republiky-pokutu-vo-vyske-1-59796.axd, accessed 27 March 2011). Bahelka M (2008). Analýza systému záchrannej zdravotnej služby po reforme [Analysis of EMS after reform]. Into […]
The HiT profiles are produced by country experts in collaboration with the Observatory’s research directors and staff. The profiles are based on a template that, revised periodically, provides detailed guidelines and specific questions, definitions, suggestions for data sources and examples needed to compile HiTs.
This consists of three stages. Initially, the text of the HiT is checked, reviewed and approved by the series editors of the European Observatory. The HiT is then sent for review to two independent academic experts and their comments and amendments are incorporated into the text, and modifications are made accordingly. The text is then submitted to the relevant ministry of health, or appropriate authority, and policy-makers within those bodies are restricted to checking for factual errors within the HiT.