Health insurance companies are monitoring the hospitals where physicians handed their notices Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa (VšZP) began to establish the exact number of doctors who resigned in particular hospitals. Reason is to provide health care to patients. VšZP is interested in how many doctors are about to leave on 1. December 2011 from various hospital departments and also takes into account the exact number of attested and unattested doctors in these departments.
We didn’t warn against financial problems of VŠZP only in our newsletter, but also in other media. For my statement in an interview for Plus 7 dní weekly, that VŠZP is “the most probable candidate for bankruptcy” and the merger of VŠZP and SZP I commented that “from a lame and crippled there will be no runner”, I was sued for unauthorized intervention into good reputation. But as the lawyers say, in order to be the good reputation damaged, first it has to be good.