Doctors from East Slovak Cancer Institute in Kosice may use a modern and safer technology by the executing of radiation therapy of some cancer diseases. According to press agency SITA, the Institute purchased a special software for brachytherapy led by computed tomography (CT) or the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Brachytherapy is more efficient and safer method, since the radiation source is getting close to the tumor, thereby it is minimizing the adverse effects of radiation on other organs.
2 800 mothers rated maternity hospitals in Slovakia through the program named Maternity guide. According to them the best maternity hospitals are in Banska Stiavnica, Ruzomberok and Bardejov. The list continues with the maternity hospital in Levoca and Brezno. Hospital Kramare was the best ranked hospital in Bratislava and ended on the eighth place in the overall assessment. Mothers rated for example the pre-delivery care, first moments after birth, staff professionalism, respect for individual needs, etc. Maternity guide (sprievodcaporodnicami.sk) is common project of the website rodinka.sk and Health Policy Institute.
Lack of payments for services in health care are reportedly the main reason for indebtedness of Slovak hospitals. The question of whether the causes of indebtedness are insufficient payments from insurance companies or wasting in hospitals should be resolved by the implementation of DRG system, the payment system for diagnosis. Ministry of Health, hospitals and insurance companies expect the DRG system will bring fairer allocation of funds as well as their effective use.
According to daily Hospodárske noviny from 20/10/2011 a planned operations are postponed even on the other clinics belonging to the University hospital in Bratislava. They are determined by the limits set by Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa (General Health Insurance Company), which hospital began to follow with the goal not to increase its debt. According to spokeswoman from University hospital, these problems will disappear at the end of this year. Unions, however, oppose and argue that if hospital will not receive more money and will be transformed into joint-stock company at the end of the year, it will work in limited mode.
Trade unions and Minister of Health Ivan Uhliarik did not agree even after second round of negotiations. More than 2 400 physicians therefore insist on their notices. The Minister reiterated, that in some matters they were able to move forward, but by the others they could not reach an agreement. After the meeting trade unions recapitulated, that they are insufficient by the promises of minister and require legislative assurances for the solution of their requirements. They plan to contact Prime minister and other parliamentary parties to seek the action to ensure the health care in Slovakia.
According to weekly Zdravotnícke noviny from 20/10/2011 Program Health care is one of the most successful EU Funds operation programs in Slovakia. Second annual conference Operation program Health care focused on the presentation of the results and benefits of regional projects successfully implemented in modernizing of health care facilities. The event was intended for representatives of health care facilities, state administration bodies, regional and local governments, NGO̍s, professional chambers and associations, professional and lay public.
Medical devices will be cheaper from January. Ministry of Health has submitted a proposal of price action regarding the purchase of the medical devices. Its aim is to reduce their prices and provide savings to patients and insurance companies. Ministry of Health expects, that patients would save around € 135 000 on the supplementary charges by purchasing the medical devices, insurance companies should save almost € 5 million.
Main opposition party Smer will try to stop the transformation of hospitals into joint-stock companies on today\'s parliamentary session. They will propose amendments to the Act on educational staff. They consider it as the last chance how to legitimately stop the transformation by the legislation. If the proposal will not pass today, party Smer will try to stop the transformation on the other parliamentary session at the end of November. Former Minister of Health said that the transformation may lead to the collapse of the health system and threaten hospitals chronically, because transformed hospitals are endangered by the extinction.
The share of public resources in financing of health care in Slovakia should not fall below 70%. Public health insurance system will offer packages for different groups of insured persons. Reduction of the health care scope covered by the public health insurance and the possibility of additional insurance for extra care should also occur. These are proposals for financing of health care according to interim 40-member advisory body of the Ministry of health. The body is composed of, among others, minister of health, professional public, parliamentary political parties and professional associations.
Pharmaceutical company Zentiva in Hlohovec is for sale. Even last year, the spoke man of the concern Sanofi-Aventis informed, that company in Hlohovec is strategical for the group, because it is complementing the portfolio of original drugs by the generics, known in the whole region. Today, however, the fate of 800 employees is uncertain. After a strategic review of operational activities of the production in Zentiva the data showed, that level of utilization of its operation will be too low, to ensure its future.