According to daily SME from 17/10/2011 the main reasons for dissatisfaction of medical trade unionists are the transformation of the hospitals into joint-stock companies and lack of financial sources in health care system. On Monday, unionists urged the members of Parliament to stop the transformation. Similar view has also former Health minister Richard Raši, who expects Health minister Ivan Uhliarik to stop the transformation. Medical unionists and party Smer, however, deny their cooperation.
In order to manage loss, hospitals relegate patients to the waiting lists, according to hnonline.sk (18/10/2011). For some of them this is the way how to be prepared for the transformation, in others directors just want to prove, that they can manage equally. Hospitals can allegedly only perform the operations within the limits from the health insurance companies. Others are moved to other months. But reportedly it is just patients who does not have an urgent problems.
President of Medical trade unions reported on the second wave of notices. He continues in collecting dismissals even from doctors, who, for various reasons, did not participate in the first wave. He is planning to deliver last notices to the directories of hospitals at the end of this month. In late September 2411 notices were collected from 34 hospitals. Currently the estimated amount is about 2500. President of Medical trade unions has repeatedly said, that new political situation does not change the requirements of trade unionists.
Private equity group Penta has openly included the network of hospitals on the east of Slovakia to their portfolio. This group is already investing in the health care sector. It owns the health insurance company Dôvera, Dr. Max pharmacies, medical laboratories, a network of polyclinics Procare and in the past also the ambulances. It was always a financially interesting and less risky business. According to Eduard Maták, the partner of investment group Penta, it will be a disproportionately more difficult challenge to handle the long-term loss hospitals.
According to Medical trade union the fall of the government does not alter the four requirements and the need for urgent action to ensure a functioning system of health care in Slovakia. Doctors believe that current political situation does not prevent a dialog and the finding of the constructive solutions of emergency situation of the slovak health care. They regard it rather as another reason to stop the transformation of hospitals into joint-stock companies.
According to daily SME from 15/10/2011 the transformation of hospitals into joint-stock companies can stop just before the goal. Health care analysts agree, that after the fall of government there can be a lack of the will to finish it. The situation from 2006 could be recapitulated. The transformation at that time was apparently stopped by on-coming elections and the lack of courage. According to analyst Dusan Zachar the transformation will be an issue of campaign with negative image and the coalition parties will rather suspend it.
From December 2011 patients will probably have to pay themselves for the pharmaceuticals containing the substance assigned for the supporting and complementary therapy, which are provided in the frame of ambulant and pharmaceutical care. As proposed by Ministry of Health these pharmaceuticals should not be paid by public health insurance, so they will not be reimbursed by health insurance companies. MoH will determine the list of pharmaceuticals by a decree.
According to Slovak association of pharmaceutical companies the Act on drugs, which prohibits pharmaceutical companies to visit doctors or to sponsor the participation of doctors on the training activities, may require its tax. Pharmaceutical industry argues in particular that doctors do not get the knowledge about the latest drugs and innovative treatment procedures.
The fate of 31 hospitals transformation into joint-stock companies remains after the fall of government uncertain. Medical facilities in the scope of Ministry of health are to be transformed by the end of this year, in appropriate cases the term may be displaced by 6 months. However, the Ministry of health did not provide the clear answer as to whether the transformation will continue and whether it will be executed.
From January 2012 more than 162 000 insured person want to change the health insurance company. This information was provided by The Healthcare surveillance authority. Further information about the amount of insured persons in each health insurance company will by provided by The Healthcare surveillance authority in November. Number of people who have decided to change health insurance company almost doubled since last year.