Friday, 25. May 2012, 18:25

Representatives of the Association of Hospitals in Slovakia solved with private health insurance companies the conditions of their contracts from June. Dôvera allegedly expressed the willingness to meet halfway all the contract partners of the association with the aim to ensure the health care for its policyholders. Spokeswoman of Union Health Insurance Company, Judita Smatanová, promised that if € 50 million reserve from state budget will be used for increasing of the payments for state policyholders, Union is ready to transform this money into the contracts with health care providers. 

Thursday, 24. May 2012, 19:36

Bratislava Regional Court in April dismissed the action of Association of Faculty Hospitals in the decision of arbitrator in collective dispute with trade unions, which talks about the increasing of salaries of healthcare professionals in state hospitals. Complaints of hospitals will thus be solved by the Supreme Court. First increasing should have taken place in April, the second one in June. It should be apply on 17 healthcare institutions. According to the arbitrator the requirements of trade unionists for increasing were legitimate.

Friday, 18. May 2012, 14:45

According to the President of Slovak Chamber of Other Healthcare Professionals the Slovak healthcare system needs a wide legislative change of almost all health care acts. One big law, which would cover all healthcare professionals and which would guarantee their salaries, would not be enough according to her. It is allegedly necessary to solve the financing of the whole system, to cover the wages and all other costs on provided care.

Wednesday, 16. May 2012, 16:04

Nurses will see money from government reserve on their payrolls at earliest in the autumn. According to the President of the Association of Hospitals in Slovakia, Marián Petko, the amount is sufficient, but hospitals will get money not sooner than in September. Many hospitals promised their nurses the increasing of wages from € 640 to € 926 monthly already in July. Petko, however, doubts this promise. Minister needs for transfer of the reserve the approval of Parliament, which will get to the negotiation on the change of legislation in June. Afterwards she needs a signature of President Ivan Gašparovič.

Wednesday, 16. May 2012, 16:01

This week will nurses and midwives get for the first time the wage according to the act, which guarantees its increasing. Hospitals are getting in crisis situations, some of them are talking about the end of departments. Management of hospital in Bojnice guarantees its staff the increasing of salaries according the current legislation. This applies also on 310 nurses and 29 midwives working in hospital. According to the director after increasing of salaries of doctors and current increasing of wages of nurses it is possible to keep the running of hospital under current conditions until the end of June.

Monday, 14. May 2012, 22:06

Slovak Chamber of Nurses and Midwives is in open letter asking the Minister of Health Zuzana Zvolenská and Minister of Labour Ján Richter to enable the nurses in social services institutions to provide health care again. Departmental bosses should according to them implement into the legislation the adjustment allowing social services institutions on the base of permit and license to become the providers of health care. Nurses argue that there are mostly old people with medical problems in nursing homes who need the health care.

Friday, 11. May 2012, 10:17

For law granted salaries of nurses and doctors until the end of the year it will be necessary about € 107 million more, than is covered by current system. In 2013 it will be, as estimated, € 175 million. According to the spokeswoman of the Ministry these numbers are based on data available on Ministry of Health and can be exactly calculated only for those healthcare institutions, which are in the scope of the Ministry. Lack of resources for higher salaries of healthcare professionals the Minister of Health Zuzana Zvolenská will currently cover by the reserve from state budget in amount of € 50 million. 

Monday, 07. May 2012, 18:56

Hospitals and outpatient clinics will use money from the € 50 million reserve in state budget fully for the salaries of healthcare professionals. They, however do not guarantee, that all nurses will see more money, brought by the new act from April, on their May payslips. Despite the fact that money which will arrive to providers will be used for the wages, not all nurses will get the higher salaries for April, as the money did not arrive yet. 

Monday, 07. May 2012, 18:54

Head of the Ministry of Health Zuzana Zvolenská will monitor the use of the €50 million reserve which she plans to use for the salaries of nurses and doctors. She pronounced it after the negotiation with the representatives of healthcare employers. According to her the Ministry will verify, whether these resources are really used for fulfilling the law which sets the costs on salaries. As she further informed, any negative feedback from the field will be immediately solved by MoH on individual level.

Friday, 04. May 2012, 14:42

Slovak Medical Chamber is trying again to stop the force of law, which from April mandatorily increases wages of nurses and midwives. Chamber therefore turned to the President of Parliamentary Health Comittee Richard Raši, who received more than 1 000 letters with the request of health care providers, members of Slovak Medical Chamber, for suspension of legal norm until it will be financially covered. Doctors are trying to stop the force of this law also through General Prosecutor's Office