Health Insurance Company Dôvera is recording within its insured annually about a million of drug interactions. To prevent of this interactions assists the application “Safe medication”. It is going to be more accessible for doctors now. The service will be online in the autumn – available directly in doctor´s the software. Dôvera expects fewer duplicate prescriptions of drugs and lower risk of drug interactions. Application displays drug book and patient medical records from other doctors. Doctors perceive project as a small electronization of healthcare.
Implementation of E-health is according to the director of National Health Information Centre still delayed. Healthcare professionals are waiting for e-health from 1996, when it was approved by Government as priority, which should lead to the improvement of patient security and to efficient use of resources. Currently the project is still in the first phase. According to his estimation, pharmacies and outpatient clinics should first-time be able to try the e-health not sooner than in 2016.
Children's Faculty Hospital in Bratislava obtained thanks to the Association for Oncology a new device worth € 10 000, which will facilitate the examination of minimal residual disease, help patients and facilitate the work of experts. This method belongs to the most modern approaches in the treatment of leukemia. New device will save a whole day work of many workers and it is a part of the complex of examinations.
New system of financing of hospitals will not be ready sooner than in 2016. This was admitted by the head of Healthcare Surveillance Authority, Monika Pažinková. The pilot phase of so called DRG – collection of data in hospitals – should have been launched already at the beginning of next year. Live operation was scheduled for 2014. Implementation of DRG will not take place in this time. According to Pažinková, office will, however, do everything possible to start with collecting of data at the end of next year and continue in 2014 and 2015.
National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Inc. is preparing the building-up of a new cardio-centre in the neighbourhood of its premises in Bratislava - Kramáre. Investment should totally reach € 43 million. New project of Children Cardio-centre has allegedly 5 floors and total area including technical facilities will have 10 162 square meters. The bed capacity should increase, what should lead to reducing of waiting periods for the necessary interventions.
Clinic of vascular surgery at the Medical Faculty of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University and East Slovak Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Inc. organized at the end of last week the Symposium with international participation named Day of Vascular Surgery in Košice. The aim of expert event focused on carotid artery disease was not only the exchange of experiences and new knowledge in the field, but also the discussion on early detection of ischemic brain diseases and their prevention. This was a pilot event, as the symposium with such focus has not yet been held in Slovakia.
New, reconstructed areas of the ground floor of the polyclinic were opened in Hospital in Zvolen, a member of group Agel. Thanks to the reconstruction worth € 100 000 will be available the new navigation system and central information desk. Hospital has already made a new neurological outpatient clinic and new areas for gynaecology last year. After reconstruction are also available modernized laboratories and the new pharmacy.
Introduction of DRG system in Slovakia will be probably shifted. According to the original schedule, the pilot version SK-DRG 1.0 should have been prepared in spring this year. Then, from January next year, should start the running of DRG on the level of data collection, as well as the education of system users. According to Soňa Valášiková, spokeswoman of the Healthcare Surveillance Authority, which covers the project, office found out that some key components of the system are not completed or works have not even started yet.
In on-coming days Bratislava will become the centre of action not just European, but also the world wide’s neurosurgery. The annual congress of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) expects about 500 participants from 67 countries and 60 exhibitors. As was stated by the head of the congress, the chief of Department of Neurosurgery of the Medical Faculty of Comenius University, professor Juraj Šteňo, the motto is to treat patients, to preserve brain functions and the brain examination.
Children's Faculty Hospital in Košice will be able to use a new device for more than € 12 000 necessary for daily respiratory physiotherapy of children and adults with cystic fibrosis. It is a special vibrating vest with the system of high-frequency chest wall oscillation. Device was purchased by Slovak Association of Cystic Fibrosis in the frame of EU project, which will lend it for long-term using for patients of Physiotherapy and rehabilitation department in Children's Faculty Hospital in Košice.