Health insurance companies (HIC) returned on surcharges on pharmaceuticals for the second quarter of 2014 to 22,000 disabled persons and pensioners. Within the safeguard limit on surcharges on drugs HIC sent back more than € 403,000. General Health Insurance Company will return 310,000 Euros to 16,933policyholders. Dôvera will return to its 4,001 policyholders more than 71,000 Euros. Union Health Insurance Company sends back more than € 22,000 to its 955 policyholders.
Last year The Healthcare Surveillance Authority (HCSA) received 1,647 complaints where patients or their families complained about the medical procedure. Compared YoY it is about more than 600. Nearly 500 complaints were related to the ambiguity of death. According to the HCSA, every second complaint was baseless. Most criticized doctors were surgeons, general practitioners and gynecologists. Most complaints were of hospital. HCSA fine procedures of doctors by 127 penalties for 188 thousand Euros. The complaints were related to improper performance of the delivery of the baby, inappropriate medication or underestimating the patient's condition. Doctors say that such sanctions are often subjective. They clamour for uniform procedures that accurately define processes during interventions.
Hundreds of thousands of people in low and middle income will have better wages next year. Decrease in contributions will affect people with gross salary to 494 euros per month. According to the Ministry of Finance that will affect totally 450 thousand to 580 thousand employees. Decrease in contributions will cost the state € 150 million per year, what could push on national debt. On the other hand, if people receive incentives to work, state can save on benefits. Contributions will decrease mainly for minimum wage workers, who will earn by € 32 net per month more. So, they can earn € 339. If such work takes long-term unemployed, the state in his first year will also keep his benefits from 63 to 126 euros per month.
Twelve regional hospitals belonging to network of hospitals Svet zdravia began with the general exchange of benches for sitting. In the waiting room will be gradually installed 1,200 new benches with 4,100 seats until mid-September. The value of the investment is € 160,000. The first delivery of benches received Hospital in Rožňava and Trebišov. The new benches according to the company offer good ergonomic seats, durability and easy maintenance of hygiene. Financial partner of the project is a healthcare insurance company Dôvera.
Compared to 2012, the number of suicides, according to the National Health Information Center (NHIC) increased by 57 to a total of 628 cases. The highest number was in 2008, when it was 631 people. Last year was also reported 972 suicide attempts. Overall, the number of intentional self-harm – suicides and attempt of suicides together – in 2013 raised to 1,600 cases, as compared to 2012 is an increase of 11 cases. In a long-term view, the choice of “voluntary” death is mainly elected by men. Last year it was 544 males and 84 females.
According to survey realized by private health insurance Dôvera between its 3,500 policyholders, patient satisfaction with inpatient hospital decreased year on year. Patients rated the hospitals like the schools, marks from one to five. Hospital services and medical care received an average mark of 1.7, last year it was 1.6. Became worse the teaching, general and specialized hospitals. According to director of Dôvera, there may be two explanations for the situation. Patients may be more exacting, and thus critical. At the same time the survey included more younger patients which tend to be more critical. Least satisfied people are with stay in teaching hospitals.
In Slovakia is currently in process 220 clinical trials for new drugs. According to health insurance companies, the most frequently clinical trials are on treatment of cardiovascular, oncology, pulmonary and gastroenterological diseases. The most common are studies that last for about two years. Age of participants for clinical trials is unlimited. Children were tested mainly on the vaccination, but also on medicines for hypertension, asthma, skin diseases or rare diseases as cystic fibrosis or sclerosis multiplex.
Health insurance companies (HIC) returned payments for drugs for the last quarter of 2013 to thousands of disabled persons and pensioners. Health insurance companies returned to policyholders by the safeguard limit hundreds of thousands euros. Policyholders will receive the money automatically; there is no need to apply for them. General Health Insurance Company (VšZP) will return supplements for drugs to 17.113 policyholders of which 9.966 are old-age pensioners and 7.147 are disabled persons. Overall, VšZP sends back € 325.667. Dôvera HIC sends back amount of 79.000 euros to 4.209 insured persons. Union Health Insurance Company returned payments to 1.281 policyholders of which 927 are severely disabled and 354 are pensioners. Together company will send 24.805 euros.
Thanks to statements from accounts of insured the health insurance companies are able to uncover claiming of fictive performances or prescriptions. General health insurance company (VšZP) has noted also a case, when the insured found in his personal account that he was hospitalized even though he was at that time abroad. According to the words of the spokesperson of VšZP Dana Gašparíková, the statement from the account was last year requested from approximately 25,000 insured of VšZP. The insured of Dôvera, according to their PR specialist Monika Šimúnová take advantage mainly of the electronic subsidiary in which they see besides other things their own statement from account. The access to it has 315,000 insured. Health insurance company Union received last year 335 written requests about the statement from account of insured. More than 15,000 other people have the option to access it by means of electronic services of insurance company.