Slovak Medical Chamber do not like the proposed legislative changes which tighten the integrity of health workers and bring the threat of prison, fines or loss of licence for those who during the state of emergency will not come to work. The proposed changes considered the chamber as unjustifiable interference with the fundamental rights of health workers to practice their profession. The head of the Slovak Medical Chamber Marian Kollar said that the parliamentary proposal to revise the Criminal Code is not intended to ensure the performance of work during the crisis, but is only "a baton for health professionals“. Chairman of Medical Trade Unions Peter Visolajský argues that laws containing the threat of imprisonment, fines and loss of licence are only the impetus for doctors to go abroad, what can harm the patients. Spokeswoman of Ministry of Health said that there is no criminalization of doctors, but if doctor during the crisis intentionally harm the patient, he must take the appropriate sanctions.
The issue of overtimes of doctors in hospitals remains unresolved. Trade unionists are asking for comprehensive solution. The proposal, they offer, however, according to the Minister of Health Zuzana Zvolenska, does not solve anything. There is no agreement; however, patients should not be endangered. Both sides, though they have not found a common solution of overtime issue, confirmed that doctors’ services are secured for now. Medical Trade Union justifies the request for solution of overtime issue by the effort of cleaning the chaos in the service schedules. Unions asked for determination of maximum overtimes for physician per month.
According to data from the National Registry of healthcare workers (NR HW), at the end of 2010 the 3.704 of more than 18 thousand doctors in Slovakia have had total working time employment in the medical profession "doctor and dentist" greater than 1.0. This means that almost one fifth of Slovak doctors can do medical work for other employers alongside overtimes and emergency services in their main job. Most full-time jobs in the medical profession doctor and dentist had at the end of 2010 doctor with 3.5 full-time jobs. He would have to work 28 hours a day. Most labour relations had doctor who has been registered to 7 active legal relationships with various employers. NR HW listed more than one employment relationship by 4.074 doctors, what represents 21.7%. In these numbers are not included working time employments outside the medical profession, such teaching activities at the university, scientific and research activities for pharmaceutical companies and various business activities.
Permits for the operation of general hospitals are issued by self-governing regions yet. According to Amendment to Act on providers, this competence goes back to the Ministry of Health.
There will be no more direct access to specialists. Patients will have to visit GP for recommendation.
According to Amendment, the teaching hospital can be only one that is seat in the area of the faculty/college and also is included in the minimal public network of hospitals. In other words, the teaching hospital can only be a state hospital, expect the one - St. Elisabeth Cancer Institute in Bratislava.
Permits for emergency providers should be valid for longer time, as the Ministry of Health proposed the prolongation of validity of permits for operation of emergency medical service providers from 4 to 6 years.
The amendment will also cancel the obligation of health insurance to contract any general practitioner who cares at least one of its insured.
The amendment should enter into force in April 2013.
The Ministry of Health wanted to enforce that the physicians, nurses and other health professionals had to start work during the state of emergency. According to the Act, the doctors and nurses could be threatening not only by a fine to € 3300, but also by the prison. If somebody avoids going to work, could be threatening by to two years in prison. If there will be severe damage to the health of the patient or patient will die, the penalty may be extended to five years.
The proposal did not like even the largest medical organization bringing together trade unionists in Europe - the European Federation of Salaried Doctors (FEMS).
The proposal was finally withdrawn. Amendment to Act on providers has a milder version, which allows introducing a two-three shift service after consultation with the union. Amendment should come into force from April 2013.
If patient visits private doctor, who has contract with the health insurance companies, health care should be provide for free. Fee may doctor ask for priority treatment. Doctors, however, have to ask the self-governing region for approval of the fee that will be charged to the patient. Region also decides on the maximum amount of the fee, which is different per each higher territorial unit. According to the president of the Association of Private Doctors Ladislav Pasztor, the highest fee for priority treatment is in the Žilina´s region (€ 25), while in Trenčin region is it € 3.32. The doctor may ask for direct payment also for administrative procedures.
The doctors working at Department of Traumatology in Hospital in Žilina who refused to do evening services on Monday, were from Wednesday replaced by military doctors. This information was given by the Minister of Health Zuzna Zvolenska and Minister of Defence Martin Glváč. Available should be two traumatologist, two general surgeons and four orthopaedists. Altogether 29 certified doctors of free medical unit, who have been helping in the hospitals during last year strike of doctors, should be available.
The Doctors of Hospital in Žilina who rebelled against the new employment contracts and refuse to serve the emergency services have the highest average salary in all government hospitals. While certified doctor of University Hospital in Bratislava earns monthly € 2.259 gross, the doctors in Žilina receives on average € 2.841. Above standard wages are paid through the duplicated reimbursement of emergency services. If doctors have during one month three services, they receive a reward of 50 per cent of basic salary together with the price stated in internal decree. President of the Medical Trade Union in Žilina Peter Blasko, sees no problem in cancelling this allowance.
Some doctors of Hospital in Žilina are rebelling against the director. On Saturday, according to the order of director, did not have to remain on department for long-term sickness any doctor. The doctor, however, did not bidding the order. During his services he at last had to handle with acute conditions. Medical Trade Union in this context called for immediate intervention Minister of Health. According to the hospital director Štefan Volák, doctors only spread the panic that the people will not provide the health care. He is arguing that the patients in all departments have been properly cared for over the weekend.
Released doctors of Faculty hospital in Žilina refuse to work the evening service during the notice period, what is around a third of all services in December. Spokeswoman of the hospital claims that the hospital is able to secure fully constitutional emergency services for all departments. Ministry of Health, however, is not satisfied with the situation. According to its spokeswoman, hospital is looking for all options to ensure evening service. On such a critical situation warned the deputy head of emergency department, Jozef Trgiňa, already at the end of last week.