Conference supported by Minister of Health Ivan Uhliarik is held on 24th – 26th November in the Congress Hall of the Ministry of Health.
Conference is part of the „Regional Master Class Programme on Health Investments in Structural Funds 2000-2006: Learning lessons to inform regions in the 2007-2013 period“ project organized under EUREGIO III.

Konferencia pod záštitou ministra zdravotníctva SR Ivana Uhliarika sa koná v dňoch 24. – 26. 11. 2010 v priestoroch kongresovej sály Ministerstva zdravotníctva SR v Bratislave.
Konferencia je súčasťou cyklu „Regional Master Class Programme on Health Investments in Structural Funds 2000-2006: Learning lessons to inform regions in the 2007-2013 period“ v rámci projektu EUREGIO III.
Spoločná večera v reštaurácii KOGO v bratislavskom Starom Meste.
On the second day of the conference (25. 11. 2010) there will be a Hospital Tour in Medissimo Hospital. The hospital tour starts at 03:30 p.m. and ends at 04:30 p.m.
V rámci druhého dňa konferencie (25. 11. 2010) sa v čase od 15.30 do 16.30 uskutoční prehliadka nemocnice Medissimo.
Konferencia sa koná v priestoroch kongresovej sály Ministerstva zdravotníctva SR v Bratislave.