Government has complied with Ministry of Health and approved the change of purpose of using the capital expenditures in amount of € 300 000. Money was originally intended for the project of rationalization and restructuring of healthcare institutions in the scope of Ministry which last year should have helped their efficiency and transformation into joint-stock companies. Now, Ministry can use this money for the expert information system. This should support the supervision over healthcare institutions and ensure the effective financial management of these institutions.
University hospital in Bratislava last week opened in Ružinov the renovated area of central reception. Hospital invested € 362 000 into the renovation. Repairing of central reception was necessary by hygienic-operational, safety and logistic reasons. Several parts and areas were significantly used up and damaged. Department reportedly long-termly did not meet the requirements of the hospital and patients.
Žilina self-governmental region will enter into negotiations with private doctors from 8 buildings of former polyclinics, where they have been providing the health care. The ninth polyclinic in Liptovský Hrádok will be offered in the public competition. Doctors have expressed their interest in buildings in Kysucké Nové Mesto, Bytča, Turzovka, Liptovský Mikuláš, Martin and Turčianske Teplice.
Slovak healthcare system is one step closer to greater informatization. Ministry of Finance as the intermediate body for Operation Programme Information Society has published the written challenge for the project National Health Information System in maximum total value of € 49 million. Financial aid is provided in the form of nonreturnable financial subsidy. Project is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund.
Žilina self-government region has decided to offer for sale 9 buildings of former polyclinics to private doctors in an effort to motivate them to stay in these buildings and keep providing health care here. Buildings are situated in Kysucké Nové Mesto, Bytča, Turzovka, Liptovský Mikuláš, Liptovský Hrádok, Martin and Turčianske Teplice. According to the spokesman of the region, Peter Kubica, if private doctors agree with Žilina region, it would mean not only a maintaining of outpatient clinics in current location, but also their further development.
Financial group Penta has definitely took over the network of hospitals mainly in eastern Slovakia. Based on the decision of Antimonopoly Office it has acquired the 100% business share in Estate Consult company, which provides the network of hospitals named Svet zdravia in Humenné, Svidník, Spišská Nová Ves, Rožňava, Trebišov, Partizánske and Vranov nad Topľou with field offices in Medzilaborce and Stropkov. Penta plans to invest € 3 million into the modernization and healthcare services until the end of this year.
Investment group Penta should in a short time become the only owner of largest private health insurance company Dôvera. Until now it has been sharing the property exactly in half with Cyprus holding company Prefto Holding. Penta has, however, agreed with Prefto shareholders on the purchasing of its 50% share. The reason is allegedly the disagreement between the shareholders of both companies. Price paid by Penta will not be published. Whole transaction has to be approved by Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic.
Slovak Medical University in Bratislava is in these days completing the realization of the project of its developement, for which it received € 564 000 from EU funds. Developement Program was launched in May 2010 and its result is an implementation of e-learning form of education, strentgething of teaching skills of teachers and post-graduants or creating of learning program focused on improving of the quality of science and research work of teachers and post-graduants.
Ministry of Interior wants to equipe the St. Michal Hospital in Bratislava with the new technology worth € 3.25 million. This results from the preliminary statement published in the Journal of the procurement. Complex delivery of medical technology and equipment for the hospital needs should contain for example the equipment for operation room, operation table for urology and gyneacology, instruments for neurology or infusion stands.
Hospital in Zvolen, member of group Agel, in these days started the complete modernization of laboratories. The result of the reconstruction will be a common haematological and biochemical laboratory. Costs are estimated to amount of € 150 000. The aim of reconstruction is to build a modern operation and to increase overall efficiency by merging of two laboratories. Such modernized laboratory will in future enable to handle more than double of samples compared to current situation.